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Monday, 20 January 2014

Our Games of 2013

2013 has been a great year for gamers everywhere and this ‘annual feature’ has been more difficult to decide on than ever before. As most of you know, YVBG has had many ghost writers and contributors over the last 12 months and I’ve contacted each of them to provide their favourite game of the year.
Sometimes great games are released to the silent enjoyment of millions, others are harder to find but become cult favourites. They’re talked about, examined and (re)played over and over for months or even years after they are released. Perhaps the most discussed game this year was the February release of BioShock Infinite. It’s one of those games that, while not the most revolutionary shooter, has fantastic ideas, confusing yet spectacular story twists and memorable scope.  While many separate websites and magazines have given it their prestigious ‘GAME OF THE YEAR AWARD’ others touted it as uninventive with stagnant gameplay mechanics. Whatever your opinion of the title it’s safe to say we all now feel differently about a Lighthouse.

CHRIS BioShock Infinite

It is probably the most spectacular, grotesque, violent and sentimental game of the entire generation. The art style is particularly gorgeous; with sweeping skylines and art deco architecture. The storyline files the player with sentimental schizophrenia which plagues the title as is biggest strength and its biggest weakness. I admire for it for its spectacular nonsense as much as I understand why people have a problem with it. There’s been nothing like it this year, or this decade, and I’m glad to have taken the journey.

BEN Pokémon X and Y

When the 3DS was originally released there was one title all gamers waited for with strict anticipation. Pokémon has always been a title for the ages; enjoyed by young and old alike. At first I’ll admit that I was one of the worried gamers expecting the same standard graphics with similar out-dated gameplay. What I got was a gorgeous visual beating from all my favourite monsters within, granted a very standard story-arch (8 gyms and the elite four), a large expansive world. Each area filled me with joy, the new creatures being the best creations since Gen II, and every encounter was enjoyable and exciting again. It you are a fan of any RPG - regardless of the Pokémon franchise – then you are sure to enjoy this. A welcome journey back into the world of breeding, battling and trading – Fennekin, I choose you!

TOBY Tomb Raider

Whether you love Lara or hate her you are bound to enjoy the newest outing. Set on a fantastic island with plenty to see and do – the franchise has moved away from its strategy and ‘tomb raiding’ routes. The remake is far more action orientated and thoroughly enjoyable for new fans as well as old comrades. Yes, I know, this choice is bound to come off a bit weirdly to many readers but it was probably the most fun I had with any title on offer last year. And let’s face it – not one of you expected it to be as great as it was.

FELIX Fifa 14

This isn’t the biggest, the best or the most intuitive game on the planet but it sure is super fun. Fifa 14 marks my return to the biggest football franchise on the planet. Usually a solid PES player I didn’t expect Fifa to grab me in the way it has. The title is full of superb gameplay options; and a tantalising volley against your online opponent really is the best feeling in the world. Whether you are building up coins to buy you Messi in Ultimate Team, or taking Brighton to the Champions League final, there is so much fun to be had just kicking a ball around.

ALEX The Last of Us

I’m not afraid to follow the crowd – The Last of Us really should be everyone’s game of the year. Naughty Dog have produced many classic titles over the years but the apocalyptic masterpieces tops them all. Whether it’s the eerie silence of the dark city or the explosion of the infected enemies; this epic title has just about enough of everything to please the masses. Everyone that has touched the internet within the last few months knows the Giraffe scene and the final struggle even if they haven’t played it directly and it is this sort of scope that will hold the title – and hopefully franchise – in our hearts for years to come. Its reason enough to but a PS3 over a PS4 in 2014.

So readers, do you agree with anyone’s Game of the Year? Do you have a particular favourite that miss the line-up (*cough* - Super Mario 3D World - *cough* - Ni No Kuni - *cough*)? Does anyone think we’ve left Grand Theft Auto V out on purpose? If so let us know in the comments section below.

The Continual Problems with Battlefield 4

This year it was expected that DICE would make some major headway on the Modern Warfare market, and the release of Battlefield 4 was expected to give the Call of Duty series a real run for their money.

Unfortunately the Frostbite 3 engine – touted as a feature to draw in the audience - and the unstable situation of the online shooter has had the opposite effect. Many issues have plagued Battled 4 since its release on 29th October and the unenviable ‘launch day blues’ have turned into launch week and now launch month problems as well.

We are now over 60 days since the title hit stores and the developers are still trying to fix problems reminiscent of a beta trial. It is exceptionally disappointing for players and creators as we all stare at the unfinished product with frustrated stares.

Unfortunately, a game pegged to be the best modern day shooter, has been bogged down by everything from standard connectivity issues to strange ‘one-hit-kill’ buts. Probably the most disappointing issue is that the single player game is also have problem; with campaign files going MIA and mid-level saves storing the user in a wall.

In fact, as of this morning, 22 major issues are being reported on the official website. 15 of which have apparently been fixed but a minority section of players are still reporting the same issues.

Sadly, the problems facing Battlefield 4 don’t stop there. Today, AMD announced that it was delaying the hotly anticipated free BF4 Mantle update that was due before the end of the year. The patch is tentatively re-scheduled for January 2014.

In an effort to resolve these issues DICE have pulled out from all future developments (relating to other products) until Battlefield 4 is deemed satisfactory. Who will judge that ambiguous benchmark remains to be seen.

The bigger picture here comes in the form of legal action being taken against the publisher by EA shareholders. They are stating that promises weren’t kept but, although this has made the issues more widespread, it is not something that directly affects the gaming community.

The offence we are suffering is something that EA has remained silent on and – in fact – it is this silence that has me worried and annoyed more than anything else. It’s the fact that the early upgrades option – where players could keep their DLC and progress – hasn’t really come into play. Those plagued by these issues have contacted EA and have been told that they needed to pre-order the next-gen versions of become a Battlefield 4 Premium Member. It’s a big betrayal to loyal fans and shows both a lack of ethics and a selection of false advertising.

As it stands, the Battlefield series has taken a series of issues, addressed them poorly and is now suffering reputational repercussions. What seemed like an opportunity to migrate some of the hardcore Call of Duty fans is not looking to have the opposite effect.

I hope 2014 brings some changes over at EA and ushers in a new ‘consumer friendly’ atmosphere and work ethic that would not only solve these issues in the future but actually mean that the consumers would be addressed directly when they have concerns.

Unfortunately though, if people keep buying these products (and I own the Xbox One version of the title) then the chances are publishers won’t change as they are still making a heap of money.