About Us

Video games, when at their best, have the ability to surprise, engage, absorb and challenge individuals in a way that nothing else in the world can. Our time spent in Dracula’s Castle, Tamriel and Hyrule has not been time wasted but time enjoyed and that is what we are trying to achieve with Rajakaru Games.

That stack of titles on your table is not just a collection of software but a set of puzzles, mysteries, battles, characters… holding windows into entire worlds. Worlds that don’t need to follow the rules; worlds of great imagination with unknown prospects around ever corner.
They might be the only way we have left to put some magic back into the world.

Richard Grinham - Grinball - Editor in Chief
Richard has edited Rajakaru (previous "Your Video Games Blog") since creation in 2009. He lives on the south coast of England with his girlfriend and his collection of pristine Elder Scrolls RPGs. While he spends most of his time working out what he will write here he also has a day job rescuing cats from trees and pretending to be Clark Kent between the hours of 6 and 9 every Tuesday night. 

You can follow him directly on twitter using @SomeManNoPlan

Meet the Team
Timothy - RockettPunk - Captain of the Video and Data Geek
When not riding his bike; Tim likes to kick back with a bowl of Cheerios and a cuddle with his imaginary housetrained friend Felix. Perfecting the art of breathing for the last 30 years we dread to wonder what biological advances he will make next. While his affection for Ron Burgundy could quickly surpass; his skin will never forget the passion.
Catch him on twitter @IchBinTimo
Simon - CruelScorp - General Colourful Arachnid and Overtime Video Gamer
With his head usually in an episode of Adventure Time, this "hero of the ages", struggles to work out which trouser leg is the most comfortable. His unboxing of the latest Anime is a must see and his love for oversized M&Ms is a sight to behold. He also claims to work on top secret projects which he can't talk to the rest of us about because we don't have the right level of security clearance. But we all know he spends most of his time typing "happy thoughts" into Google image search.

Catch him on twitter @CruelScorp

Dave - "McKill" - The Right Foot of the Whole Team
If Simon claims to fights off internet terrorists, Dave is the one who puts in the final boot - and he's handsome which is a bonus for our four man team. Don't worry about his sporadic emails trying to convince you to give blood, because it is very noble, although his method of collecting it is a bit suspicious. When not working for Rajakaru Games, "McKill" likes to ride seals bareback.

Catch him on twitter @DavidMcKilligan