Sequels are such a tough topic to cover, some people love them because they expand on the original content while others find them unoriginal or uninventive. Usually a fanbase becomes split dependant on an individual’s personal experience with the previous outing. There have been some terrible sequels created purely as a means to jump on the money wagon with half the development time and half the ideas of their original source material.
Sequels seem to be as common in this generation then any other – whether good or bad there has been some talk that studios are running through the same old ground time and time again. While Gold and Silver are still classed by some as the best Pokémon games out, the new additions to the line-up caused some stir. The standard tried and tested formula of the series took the reins again and with new critters released this did still leave some fans with a bitter taste. I’m not necessarily saying that this is a bad thing. I’m just a bit worried that certain studios are trying to say that they are giving us a new game without actually giving us new features, ideas or further tweaks. However that’s a debate for another time and would probably end with the usual - if it’s not broken there is no need to fix it - debate.
Sequels fall into two categories – they either completely revamp the experience like Fallout 3 or they work up for the basic premise of the previous games like Portal 2. Both of these should be welcome additions to any games collection and are sure to give you hours of enjoyment. Fallout 3 completely overhauls the whole experience with new gameplay additions and the obvious graphics upgrade but kept true to the routes of the original by giving the player an adult, enriching storyline. Portal 2 kept the tried and tested formula but made the whole experience seem fresh with a shiny lick of paint and new puzzle solving designs that progressed from the original.
There have been some disappointing sequels recently too with Dragon Age II the standout in my book. I played a couple of hours at a friends house and although I started a new game found this to be tired and far less inventive then Origins. I thought Bioware made a bad move trying to make this more accessible and actually stripped away some of the charm and depth the made Dragon Age Origins such a great game.
I saw an article a few weeks ago written about how Irrational Games have changed Bioshock’s source material so much that the end product for Infinite may suffer. I for one am not worried about the change from the dark underwater city of Rapture , to the bright eccentric location in the clouds, Columbia . I feel Ken Levine is a truly great designer with tricks up his sleeve that I could never even comprehend. The first true sequel to Bioshock is shaping up to be something very special indeed. Irrational Games had no part in the development of Bioshock 2 and only allowed 2k Marin access to their source material and therefore this instalment was more of a spin off in my opinion.
Great Sequels (IMO)
§ Mass Effect 2
§ Baldur’s Gate 2
§ Deus Ex: Invisible War
§ Halo Reach
Disappointing Sequels (IMO)
§ Metal Gear Solid 2
§ Final Fantasy X-2
§ Dragon Age II
§ Halo 2
What would make your list? Are there any sequels you loved? What sequels would you like to see next? Red Dead Redemption? Rogue Squadron? Commander Keen?
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