Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Gears of War 3 - Preview

Gears of War 3 is actually one of the games that I was most excited about at the start of 2011 but has drifted off into the beyond a little for me as I became more and more excited about the other great games on offer too.

Gears of War 3 has been getting more and more press of late in the build up to it’s September release date and I for one am pleased to see that its looking great. It’s all about survival this time as humanity seeks out a way to stay alive. The COG’s have spent two games picking apart the Locust Horde and have even sacrificed their capital city, Jacinto. This time though the rewards are bigger and the story darker.

The game looks to follow the same premise as other Gears games with lots of running for cover and filling locusts with bullets. Gears of War 3 is looking to deliver a brighter and more visually superior experience with more colour and details then ever before.

If like me you’ve had a chance to watch the campaign trailer that was recently released then you have seen a few of the set pieces coming up in the finale of the sage – Adam Fenix’s message, the Lambent Leviathan and of course Zip Lines.

The fresh experience will include new enemies (Lambent versions that will explode with a wonderful burst of emulsion) and a fresh story arc which involves panic within the human race. The COG offices will now need to find ammo more often which will make you run for cover when in other instalments you’d still be firing off rounds with your Lancer. This new idea shows the real problems humanity face as their supplies decline; tension has always been a great part of many video games and will give Gears 3 a different sort of pace.

The Gears of War series is known for its destroyed beauty with ruined cities, collapsed cave systems and spectacular level designs but this outing is looking to reflect a more organic, living world then ever before. The levels are much more open which means cover is scarce and gunfights are harder to complete due to their scale.

Humans aren't the only species on the brink of demise either after the Hollow flooded; the Locust Horde has fallen back as well. It's a welcome surprise to see the usual enemy dynamics take a hit too and adds an additional piece of detail to the proceedings.

It has also recently been announced that Gears of War 3 will be taking the series into the 3D realm. For those of you lucky enough to have the right hardware, this visual change looks like a brilliant addition to the gameplay. I’ve not seen this in practice so I can’t comment on what it looks like but I’m sure Epic are going to make this a worthwhile inclusion.

Obviously Gears of War 3 holds an expansive multiplayer experience which I’m sure some of you tried out during the Beta period. The new Horde Mode 2.0 is a brilliant idea and brings a lot of additions to the hugely successful original Horde from Gears of War 2.

Overall I’m giddy with excitement about this game and feel that this might be one of the big sign offs of recent years and the conclusion of a worldwide success. Hopefully it will be as great as it looks when we all get to put out grubby mitts on it come September. 


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