Monday, 23 January 2012

Mass Effect 3 - Kinect

After my article about Kinect needing to get better I'm pleased to say that Mass Effect 3 uses Kinect. Okay it's only for voice commands but it'll be brilliant to get Miranda using Warp or issuing commands for Wrex to tank forward. Basically any command players used to bring up the control wheel can now be managed by the use of your voice. The game will run smoothly without interruption.

The examples given were simple and easy to use – 'Sniper Rifle' changes Shepherd's weapon ironically to a Sniper Rifle', saying 'Warp' lets off the Biotic Power and if you say 'Garras Move' he effin' moves to the icon on screen.

It looks like the voice recognition is good too; many different voices were used at the display and they all seemed too register without any problems.

The voice recognition can also be used for various commands out-of-combat, including opening doors, initiating NPC conversation, and picking up or examining items. People have said that this seems a bit gimmicky when it only really requires a button press but invariably people will use it.

Mass Effect 3 looked awesome at the Eurogamer Expo last year and it's adding enough elements to hit the market hard. Playing the game on Insanity difficulty was always an endless shot at running for a few seconds and then stopping to bring up the combat wheel. Now it'll be seamless with multiple voice commands being used quickly in succession. It's almost a reason to buy Kimect. It's difficult to guess what will be used on the harder settings though as planning is key.

Gamers will be able to test out the Kinect action for themselves in just a few short weeks with the Demo scheduled for 14th February. The full game is then released on 6th March.

Also remember playing the demo unlocks some extras in Kingdom of Amalur too.


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