Thursday, 1 November 2012

Why I Hate Borderlands 2?

1)       It seems like I have no intention of playing anything else – ever again
2)       No matter how much you tip Moxxi she just won’t put out
3)       I can’t seem to farm the legendary weapons from the bosses as my natural inability to be any good means they either kill me and regenerate or my coop buddies whore the weapons before I get a chance
4)       Duplication Whores – damn you Buzz Shields!
5)       I can’t seem to put the controller down and am having problems fitting in work and the process of cleaning myself around my Pandora schedule
6)       Everyone seems to be better than me – even if they appear to have only just jumped out of their mother’s womb
7)       When I throw guns away I feel slightly emotional about the times they’ve saved my life
8)       Why don’t I get to drive a Buzzard?
9)       Scooters terrible sexual innuendos
10)   The fact that I wrote this and then realised I still love Borderlands 2


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