As if the circular blame game surrounding violent crime wasn’t already bed enough, one particular British Tabloid, The Express, has decided to implicate the Dynasty Warrior franchise in the horror of Adam Lanza’s school shooting. Yes, we’ve moved on from Mass Effect and are into a game that doesn’t even feature guns.
The newspaper wrote, ‘Chillingly, his favourite video game was said to be a shockingly violent fantasy war game called Dynasty Warrior, which is thought to have given him inspiration to art on his darkest thoughts,’
Of course this camp B-movie Kung-Fu game which focuses on Shaolins does give off the impression of ‘violence’ with its no blood approach. The worst reason for this franchise being includes has got to be that defeated opponents are referred to as KO’d not ‘dead’ – it’s so tame it isn’t even an 18 certificate.
I have already ranted about this cowardly buck-passing of the violence-friendly new media, so I won’t go into it again. I will, however, express what a fucking ridiculous bunch of people they have writing for the Express. Can’t we just stick with the fact that Lanza was a weird and seriously deranged young man with dark thoughts inside of him? If Dynasty Warriors did this sort of thing to people then the police should start monitoring who buys the next instalments in the series.
Ironically the original article has been pulled down...
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