Friday 9 August 2013

Dragon Age: Inquisition... will return to it's Roots!

The original Dragon Age; Origins allowed players to pick from three distinct races, and three playable classes, whereas the sequel, Dragon Age 2, set the players a specific human character in the form of Hawke. The third title in the franchise is widely expected to follow its roots, with many gamers skipping the second instalment in the sage.

Interestingly this week marked a reveal by GameInformer. "Large and varied environments, customisable armour, and the return of multiple player races are just a few of the ways BioWare is addressing feedback from previous titles in order to shape a new future for the franchise," read the report.

Additionally, Inquisition will have mounts: a first for the series. These were shown off in GameInformer's video - which you can find on their site.

It’s an interesting move by the developer and is sure to excite fans of the original game. I was one of those fans who loved Origins but game up on Dragon Age 2 shortly after starting my quest. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the combat or style, which has been refined from the original, but mainly the lack of personalisation and decision making. It was pretty consequence free, which is a real shame considering the calibre of the studio handling production.


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