Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Mass Effect 3 Demo

Finally Bioware have announced a demo for their upcoming Mass Effect 3 game. The first thing to point out is that this will be both a single player demo and a multiplayer demo too.

This will be due out some time in January so Bioware will have well over a month before the full game hits shelves worldwide.

Owners of Battlefield 3 and its Online Pass will, via their EA Account, automatically gain early access to the Mass Effect 3 demo. PC copies of Battlefield 3 bought on Origin automatically have the Online Pass included too.

Bioware have also announced an online tool to give people a chance to check whether their EA Account has been granted early access.

Bioware will announce another, free way to gain early access to the demo in "late November or early December".

There is no news yet on how long the demo will run or when exactly this will start but we have been told that the demo’s release date will be announced in late November.


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