Monday, 17 October 2011

Mass Effect 3 - Multiplayer Update Update

Slowly but surely more information is hitting the net after the recently Bioware confirmed there would be a multiplayer aspect to Mass Effect 3.

Progress made in the cooperative aspect of the finale can be viewed on iOS devices, facebook ‘and more’. A colour coded map will chart the progress of your squad to show the success of your defences.

From what I can make out it looks like these co-op areas are also visited during the single-player campaign but in multiplayer you can team up and defend them.

We still don’t know how the multiplayer game will affect your single player progress or at what points these missions will take place.

In my previous post I mentioned the Galactic Readiness meter that appears to be a currency for purchasing allies, facilities and tools to help you save Earth. It appears as if the currency for this meter can also be earned during the co-op aspects but this has not yet been confirmed.

Bioware previously confirmed that you would not need to play the full co-op suite to complete the game so maybe this aspect will be used as a supplement to the main game instead of a necessity.

The Mass Effect 3 co-op multiplayer will follow 4 player wave-based missions, as was suspected earlier this year. Each stage has eleven waves of enemies, ranging from basic foot soldiers to giant Mechs and Phantoms.

You earn experience points for kills, assists, objectives and other undisclosed actions. Downed allies can be revived but in a limited time-frame before they bleed out. Admiral Hackett orders the co-op multiplayer missions directly so these look like they will tie in with the single player story quite well..

There's a level-cap of 20 on the multiplayer but looking at the previous outings it is presumed that Shepard will exceed this in the single player.

All six classes are available and six races too - Human, Krogan, Asari, Drell, Salarian and Turian

Each race and class can be utilised in different ways so Krogan’s can charge and knock down foes and may make brilliant Vanguards.

Just to make sure you know that Bioware will be using an Online Pass as access to the Galaxy at War section. Each new copy of the game will have a code but if you buy used the Online Pass can be purchased at a small additional cost. 


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