Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Mass Effect 3 - Multiplayer Update

Bioware recently confirmed the long anticipated multiplayer for its 2012 title Mass Effect 3.

The third entry in the popular Mass Effect series sees the return of the popular Commander Shepard in an intergalactic journey of war and rivalry. The gorgeous universe that Shepherd travels will be moulded into a bonus section of the campaign that gives players a brand new 4 player co-op experience.

The new co-op multiplayer missions will allow you to create your own character from a variety of different classes and races and aid Commander Shepard in the war to reclaim Earth. If you manage to be successful in the multiplayer areas it will directly impact the single player experience. The ‘Galaxy at War’ missions will be completely optional so if you don’t play online this addition will not directly affect your game in an adverse way. Bioware have also confirmed directly that it will be possible to experience the story in whole without playing this mode online.

All the characters from the single player will be unavailable in the new missions so you’ll need to create your own character from scratch. This creation can be from any of the games races and unique abilities will be available for each so selection is important. Unfortunate as it is we won’t be able to sniper people as Garrus or hurl people away as Liara.

The mode itself will contribute to your Galactic Readiness meter that slowly makes it easier for Commander Shepard and his team to do their job and save Earth.

None of the additions or storyline branches from Mass Effect 1 or 2 will impact the multiplayer aspect of the third game.

All in all this addition should be a great part of the Shepard finale but I am still a little concerned that we might be forced to play this section of the game to see how the series finally ends.


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